
Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

Teacher Certification and Ability In Identifying Student Needs (behavior analysis).

"Kank, as 'professional' teacher in this schooll, how to learn recognize the needs of students ..?

"He (God) knows what is before them and what is behind mereka.Dan It is not that they can include with their knowledge" (Surah Ta Ha: 110)

National Commision Services (NCES) : “Certification is a procedure whereby the state evaluates and reviews a teacher candidate’s credentials and provides him or her a licence to teach”.

The class is "live" is expected to increase the effectiveness of learning because students are proactively involved in the process of teaching and learning activities (KBM). For professional teachers employed by the school and after receiving the allowance does not mean the issue is over because there is work you must do next. which meet the standards of competence of teachers and a very adequate competence to provide high quality learning experiences for all learners, including learners who have difficulty learning.

For teachers who have achieved professional competence by mastering science-related field of study with essential indicator: to understand the existing teaching materials in the school curriculum, understanding the structure, concepts and methods of science that overshadow or coherent with the teaching materials, understand the concept of relationship-related subjects and Atar apply the concept of scientific concepts in their daily lives (Directorate of the Directorate General of workforce-2005).

Expected by the professional competence of teachers and students can have the happiness of meaningfulness in learning, competitive, and missed the meeting grade class how to ....?

First: Focus on Student Needs

Often learning Implementation Plan designed for a size that could be suitable for all.if in class "heterogeneous" which contains students with different abilities levels, children "smart" kids may be interested to learn because "his tired ah I already know the "make a pretty challenging learning strategies for students ..

Given that every student has the basic foundation of prior knowledge, the first step can be done is to evaluate the learning needs of students with of questions about the lessons that have "Mastered". To measure the extent to which, knowledge, skills and ability to understand the teaching materials that previously ...? What they do not understand ..? . The next study is to focus to fill the gap.

Second: Awaken the Desire Study

Effective learning is to awaken students' passion and interest, and to make students learn more in the (enrichment) and wider (enlargement). Especially for new students or new school year they have a passion for learning, and wanted to do well.

Competence is where the personality and social competence of a teacher is required: to have a positive attitude towards the behavior of learners and has a respected and able to communicate effectively with learners.

Because the effective communication of learning in the classroom students will feel great to help overcome the boredom and the effectiveness learning. that learning should not be monotonous and boring. teacher professional skills required for creating "learning atmosphere". Learning that enables students involved through, small discussion groups, games, practical and interesting learning other applications, preferably the student rather than a monotonous lecture method of his teacher.

Pedagogic Competence While the understanding of students with cognitive development tapped principles, as well as understand the students by utilizing the principles of personality and identify the provisions to be taught early learners. Can be an attraction for students more eager to learn, through;

• Have the skills to hear. If you can understand and map the anxiety of students in their learning difficulties, traumatic experiences at the class meeting .you can design a more enjoyable class meeting.

• Involve students in the process of teaching and learning activities including setting up props, instructional media, including material that you specify. Thus students feel "worthless" and have an unforgettable learning experience.

• Examples of updated, relevant and to be a trend among students to make them better understand the concepts you are teaching.

• Focus on efforts to develop students' competence and personality, not on the "weakness, lack of students with mental sets so you are not to rehabilitate him. students were more motivated to learn when introduced to the potential that allowed him to develop more achievements than tilt or lift-deficiency weaknesses. By introducing the prospect of developing the knowledge, skills and new learning experiences.

Was when the teachers' professional 'students created a super genius to recognize the students' learning needs ..

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